Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is it just me or do Pam and Jim from The Office seem much more stuck up now that they're a couple?

I've always been a huge fan of the office, since the first season. And I always adored the charming innocence of Jim and Pam's relationship, but my interest in the show has decreased drastically since Pam and Jim became a couple, had a child, etc. Their characters seemed to be betrayed so differently, instead of being fun-loving pranksters, they're like the office police, looking down on everyone else as if they're so much better. (And don't even get me started on the Angela/Dwight contract, Ryan in general, and Gabe...well...being unnecessary to the script). I mean, is is just me or are these new dynamics totally killing the show?

How do i make the move and kiss my crush? (keeping in mind we're both girls and i'm unsure if she is into me)?

i mean theres only one way to find out if she is or not hey.... we're best friends, but i think i like her more than that, although ive never been into that really... so theres a first time for everything. i am too scared to try, but i want to. we always snuggle in bed together, should i try it then? x

Do i need a camber kit?

Okay, so i have a 1993 honda prelude Si 4WS and its dropped 2 inches all the way around on tokicko struts and lowering springs. I just bought some XXR 002 (195/50/16) with 0 offset and they fit perfect but if i were too hit a really large bump too hard it would rub or hit on the fender a little bit and i mean JUST A LITTLE BIT!! So i wanted to know if i should buy a camber kit, or just adjust the stock camber to tuck my rims under the fender cause i only need about 1 to 1 1/2 inch to tuck them! or should i roll the fenders?

Help! Unusual period!?

If you had implantation bleeding on December 9th a test would def show positive at this point.It could have been implant spotting or it could have just been a funky period which all women get from time to time.If you ovulated on November 21st however I don't think you had implant bleeding on December 9th as that would be really late for the egg to be implanting.Sometimes if you don't ovulate that month (common once in awhile) you can skip a period or have a very spotty flow.Wait a few days and take a test.Good luck.

Is it okay to keep a betta and 2 neon tetra fish at 28 degrees celsius?

Most of the time, yes. Every betta is different, some are great with community fish and some are better off alone. Neon tetras are schooling fish that like to be in groups of around six.

Do we all need someone we can feed on?

omg i love the rolling stones version of that, ive heard a couple of different bands do this and they didnt even come close

Sweeney tod movie help?

well it is gory but still very tastefully done. If you have seen the movie you'll understand my pun.

Is robert palmer-dead or alive?

He died, as others have given details. I was a bit shocked at the time. But I think he may have been a heavy drinker. It's said he liked his whiskey. And he was also a chain smoker.

Have u read the "tragedy of the man" from Madach..?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is my best friend gay and like me?

Ok, I'm in high school, and I've been in love with my best friend (of the same age) for a long time now. Here's the kicker: we're both guys. Our friendship has gotten closer and closer, and recently, whenever we've been watching movies or something where we're sitting together in private, I put my arm around him and he doesn't say anything. As time has gone on, I've been able to do more. I hug him sometimes, and when I would normally just have my arm around his shoulder, I do that, plus rub his back, mage his shoulders, and put my arm around his waist and squeeze him up next to me. Also, whenever we have a sleepover, he has started to sleep in and wear around for a little while before and after we go to bed, just his underwear. We also sleep on the floor in sleeping bags or blankets abut 3 inches from each other. Last time we went to a movie, I slowly stuck my hand under his shirt and rubbed his back on his bare skin. I also stuck my fingers a little down his underwear and rubbed him there. The thing is, with the exception of the hug (cause he hugs me back), he never puts his arm around me, or anything else. But he also doesn't tell me not to do any of these things. Do you think he is gay too and likes me? I don't know why he wouldn't tell me to stop doing those things if he wasn't, but if he did like me wouldn't he also reciprocate what I'm doing?

Need help remembering: Meatball monologue?

If you can't remember the ending, then make it up! Give it a new, funny twist. Have fun, and good luck!

Living on Military Base - weird neighbors?

Got a answer to your problem move off base and buy your own house. Welcome to living in base housing so quit your whining come you be able to figure out that most people in base housing really have nothing better to do than be quite annoying. I lived in base housing for 5yrs and when I had the opportunity to get out in the real world and have uncle SAM pay my house note I jumped.

Why did leonardo dicaprio?

If you really think Dicaprio is old at 30-something, you have a really screwed up view of aging. Make a note of this question in your diary so when you get to that age, you'll see how silly you were. LOL

Why am I stuck believing and not believing?

I see both sides God (Christianity religion) is calling and science contradicting it. I can't fully put my heart into faithfully believing in God because of it. Because believing in a fact is by most part rational but when your religion doesn't agree with something solved you are in the little rut where you have to give up one or be partially agreed. If God created science therefore he wanted us to find out the happening of everything but God also created the Bible and God doesn't lie.... one has to give. I am stuck here with this religious paradox that I can't solve. One must be true or else God wouldn't let us find then do I change my approach on God? Say through another religion? I believe we were created out of "something" be it big bang or whatever. Something had to start the universe and whatever that is, is God. So God exists in my eyes just how and in what way could God be? dissolved, exploded, clap of a hands and now monitoring us who knows? Everything is precise.

HELP ME!!! What do I do?

Okay so you can not get a guy from school but is there any activities you do outside of school? Do you go to church/sunday school? Do your parents have friends with boys your age? You could ask anyone of these contacts to a dance and have a good time. Just let them know that you are interested in the dance and not them. This will allow them to act a little less uncomfortable about being with a stranger and helps promote the allusion that you are really a couple. It also sets the stage for them to allow certain things to happen and not react too strongly to the come ons involved in making another guy jealous.

Rate my Yugioh deck. :)?

cool but elemental hero's come on man i know you can do better than that..i mean like if your going to be dueling against other people in tournaments on in the neighborhood your sure to lose nice deck though

What song should i sing for the talent show?

I don"t know what to sing for the talent show!!!!!! I want to sing and play the guitar. PLZ can some one give me some suggestions. The songs Im the best at are "Halo" By: Beyonce, "Already Gone" By: Kelly Clarkson, "No One" By: Alisha keys, and "Falling Down" By: Selena Gomez

First cause argument for ~insert specific religion here~?

Just because you think you are the most important person in the universe does not mean the rest of us have to think you are.

Why isn't Shannon Sharpe in the HOF?

The guy has 3 Super Bowl rings and broke all kinds of records. He set the standard for tight ends in the NFL. What a joke. He should have been a first ballot HOFer. I think there is a conspiracy against the Denver Broncos. Even if you don't like the Broncos you have to admit he was arguably the best tight end to ever play the game.

Why do people make the Egyptian situation a religion situation?

Because without a strong and autonomous Army, not controlled by the ruling party, Egypt will be an Islamic Republic within 3 years of any "free' election. This is how the iranian Revolution started, as a Secular revolt for Democracy. How are the Iranian protesters liking their form of "Democracy"...oh...sorry they get killed or jailed (tough to protest after that).

Blacking out often having visions?

Hmmm this is so cool. i wish something awesome would happen to me like that. well you have to try to go to a therapist or try to talk to your mom agian

What really happened to chris,nancy and daniel benoit?

...also i have another theory....on monday night raw during the benoit tribute,chavo said he spent the night at chris's house a few nights before...he spent the night and had dinner with the family...have the police questioned chavo? chavo was also the last 1 to be with eddie...and he said he spoke to benoit and benoit ended the call with 'i love u chavo'..... theres more.....chris benoit started wwe in ecw...he was traded and had 1 match in ecw last week( ending his career in ecw) was this planned ?? and by who?? what about the wrestler in calgary or from calgary who was also found dead last weekend??shane somthing?? he was a good friend of benoit....or theres this.......benoit came home from the doctors,just after picking up a perscription...he suffered with depression and other things...its said that his wife and him had been arguing about him staying home with the son more to help raise him...mabey he just snapped...i mean after years of holding in all this anger and emotions

Disney Movie!!!!! Aristocats!!!!?

That's a good question! I often wondered to where the dad cat was. The only kitten that looks like the mom, Dutchess is Marie, while the two boy kittens look nothing like the mom. So who knows what really happened to him.

What do you think are the reasons why so many young girls act promiscuous?

I was promiscuous when I was younger not that I am old now I'm 22 and married. But if guys can do it why can't girls. If a guy does it he is a stud but if a girl does it she is a . Double standards. You have to experiment and feel your body out. If you were just with One person your whole life you would always wonder what its like to be with someone else

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

English grammar HELP PLEASE?

In order to apply avatar-based intervention technique, evaluate the usablitity of Malaysian Virtual Folktales in Second Life evnvironment.

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservations ~ Elton Trueblood ...What say ye?

I think that quotation sums up the idea of faith perfectly. Trying to prove the existence of God is like trying to prove the existence of love. We can't see tangible proof of these pure things, yet we see evidence of their existence by the tracks they leave behind, like the footprints of a bird in wet beach sand.

Which of these computers is best??? (i'm a gamer)?

These: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

? deu i & yeu nauow auower alfabet & vauowl sauownds.?

do you & i k+now our alphabet & vowel sounds.translated=tranzlaittd frum=from American English inteu=into 100.00.00 % American Ling+gwistics.(Exzampl)=example A'ei B'ei C'ei D'ei E'ei e'F G'ei H'a i'e J'ae K'ae e'L ae'M ae'N O'uo P'ei Q'eiu au'R ae'S T'ei hei'U V'ei W'au e'X Y'ei Z'ei.& Z=tha Vauowl sauonds A'e E'ei I'e O'uo hei'U & sum uv Tieeim=T i m e +s tha English American letter Y. yet wei aulreddei hav Z=tha E'ei.for sum reizon wei eiUz z letter & Vauowl Y az an i'ei az in tha naeim=name Myers and z word my or where in tha American English nor Germanic languages do=deu we=wei see=sei tha=z Y spoken nor printed nor used till sum uv=of things traversed=travel+ed z=tha wrong=wruang way=direct+i o n ending now=nauow correctnes spelt or speld nauow wei spel things liek=like Tiep=as T y p e and all as z dual l sei hauow much mor eizei=easy this iz verses tha dual lang+wich+es uv= o f American English verses tradit+i o n a l English from England & Z Brittish ver+s i o n uv sed=said English brittish style=or Stie spelt liek pie with nutheing mor than z L endeing letter.& tha le nor el gender or encripttid worddeings bannish'd from auower sinteans=sentence structeiurs caumpleitlei thus no Y iz neid+id or ed past tense time or tieeim identtitei=identity markkeings.did=finnish'd verses tha ed.keip or keep things as=az simlified as=az chic+k i n or k e n + f r i e'd & frie iz spel't mor liek pie=p i e.American ceuld=could bei=become mor easy=eizei as=az spelleing k i n g as k e i n g.u'eus z alfabit's correct spoken format & correct vauowl sauownds book or beuk write+ers and school=skeul teichers=teachers and win ceul bak inteu Z sceuls cool naeim=name reimembur, reimember, reimembar,& remember ceuld bei spel'd manei=many different methods; alfa + bets tid bits spel'd spelleing & spel't= Time or tieeim & spelling correct+t i d is both street spoken and typed with tha spelleing & tha word Tiep'd deueing=doing whaut=what it was=wuz dei+zie+e i n d teu=to do=deu.and zis=this is 100.00.00 % American Ling+gwistics lest Yeu or I'e wish spel z word ling+geu+wis+tics laung=length verses short & simplified.simpl+fie'd z letter i is naut neiddid=needed spel'd with in old English methods.

What song is this????

I'm thinking the music video was popular in 2003 or 2004. It started out with a skinny, long haired, crooked teeth guy coming out of a spaceship. Then he sang this song (which i can't remember) and hit some really high notes throughout it. I remember him wearing a white outfit and playing an electric guitar. Please help...this is driving me crazy!

Can this laptop be powerful enough to play grang theft auto 4?

yea shud run fine the only thing that could let you down could be the processor but it shoudl still run fine

What to do after par-boiling them? ?

i just got 2 squirrels from a tree outback of my house. should i make a stew out of them or bbq them over some hickory after the wood burns down to coals?

Does your name start with a VOWEL?

nope.... don't you hate it when you ask a question like this and all it takes is a simple yes or no answer, but then someone always manages to give you more useless information about their friends or family?

Filipino driver: Is this you?

Yes that's us, I've seen it time and again. That's dishonesty and wanting to get ahead by cheating, serious character flaws that need to be corrected.

In spite of the poor economy is ur day hectic. Do u wish there were 30 hour days?

I have a hectic schedule .I juggle family friends, job , home and a few sspare moments for me...Yes these are the times we live in now..

Do you think a zombie attack could ever happen?

I don't mean zombies like the living dead, i mean a zombie more like a violent disease. We saw how quickly swine flu spread and how we couldn't stop it, so say a virus that's maybe 20 times as strong as that? It would spread so quickly, and we live in a society totally unprepared for such a catastrophe. And it doesn't have to be spread by biting, maybe just airborne? It's like "I Am Legend" where only a certain type of people caught the disease, and those who caught it fed off those who didn't. So do you think it could really happen? Thanks for your opinion :)

Amtrak, BART or Drive in San Francisco?

If your hotel is near civic center, then I would drive to the hotel & pick your mom up at the airport. Since safety is your biggest concern, you will feel much better driving because the civic center area can get pretty bad late at night. Traffic to the airport & downtown are only crowded during commute hours, otherwise it should be tolerable. I would allow 1 hour travel time each direction to go to the airport & come back.

Atkins diet question (Only people who have done it)?

I'm in Phase one and we're supposed to have 20 Carbs a day... I got the bars they sell and on the front it says 3 Net Carbs. But 22 Carbs? Was I not supposed to have it? Because on the site I added it up, and it comes to less carbs. I'm having a hard time understanding Net carbs too.... Thanks.

I clicked a on on accident and now the top and bottom disappear its on the vista laptop?

Yes press F11 or go to the control panel to the Internet options or stick with it I sorta like my Internet like that.

Mr.Majestic vs The Juggernaut Who Wins In this Fight?

Majestros would mop the floor with juggernaut even though he finally did get back all his powers juggernaut still couldnt stand up to the likes of marvels hyperion or the sentry which are both based on superman but honestly i think majestros would end up tricking juggernaut in to defeating himself somehow.

Can you interpret this dream?

I am tempted to say, because dreams usually forecast the opposite meaning expressed or felt, that a pregnant woman, would indicate the death of a member of your family. However, my book on the meaning of dreams says: A dream concerning maternity is a forerunner of increasing responsibility. Also, it seems, it is lucky to dream of the police, unless they are chasing you! Good luck. God bless. Gladgran.

What are the advantages of trademarking in foreign countries?

Advantages of trade marking in a foreign country when most countries are third worlds and no one seems to care.

Men how can a woman show you that u r appreciated???????

Men always complain that we woman show no appreciation to what you do for us. I was with this guy for 5 years and I thought I show him every day how much I appreciated him. I didn’t care if he had a good car or if he had money. I would pay for a lot of things No I was not trying to buy his love. He always told me that he wanted the best or me in my eyes he was the best. I never asked him for more than he could afford. What he gave me was more than enough. I would leave him songs on his voice mail. I would tex him I love u or thank you. It never felt like I was doing enough. He still cheated on me. My question is what should I have done different?????

Should Indians allow White, Asian and Black men affirmative action and welfare?

When I say Asian I mean those good for nothing yellow skinned martians. In the basis of the truth Indians have become an economic hajubaism meaning we are an economic power house. Indians own more small businesses than White, Asian, hispanic, and Blacks combined. How do you feel about Indians becoming the most warranted race in 2020?

Why do the dark circles under my eyes never fade?

even when i sleep a lot, drink a lot of water, and all the rest of it, i have these dark circles under my eyes. not eye bags, just circle things. my mum has them too so i know it might be hereditary..but how do i get rid of them?? they're like, embedded in my skin! its so F'ing annoying..

Tracy Chapman Tour in US?

Does anyone out there know if Tracy Chapman is going to be touring in the US in 2009? I see all of her European tours, but I want to know if she will be in the US

Why wont my ares downlaod anything!!!!?

Does it say "connecting" or "connected" on the top? Can you search and find stuff? If you have stuff in the transfer section already but it's downloading, right click on the file and click on find file or something like that and then close ares and delete all the files that say Aresta or whatever. then open ares up and try downloading!

Why is it when my EF draws a picture of my "male area" it's as big as Texas, but my wife's rendition is R.I.?

Eddie, that's an "easy" one! The drawing by your EF is what she perceives you as being, the drawing by your wife is what she KNOWS you as being. Sorry to be so brutally honest, but sometimes the truth hurts! And, I wouldn't mean to hurt you for all the tea in China...:)

Did ghost whisperer come on last friday ?

Last episode i saw was with Hillary duff , was there another one after or it just didn't come on that week.

Can someone rephrase this sentence so that i can understand it.?

The reasoning is that faults in volcaniclastics and breccias can gouge the rock surfaces, producing characteristic marks, including striations, ridges and grooves, crescentic scours around projections, and "stoss and lee" effects such as "rat tails" behind boulders, and these marks are comparable to drumlins and elongated low profile flutings.

Did the Resurrection of Jesus occur on a Sunday?

Three days-Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Jews did not count 24 hour days, they counted parts of a day, too. Jesus rose on the first day of the week, Sunday.

Does anyone know how to prepare an abstract for on-line submission?

Does the abstract go on a separate page? If so, where does the title go? Should the abstract be double spaced, indented? And where would I put my information, i.e. name, school affiliation, e-mail address etc? This is my first time submitting an abstract and unfortunately, the conference materials didn't include any formatting guidelines.

Recon this is a scam or not?

I really like to check into the websites first. I'm not sure if it's a scam or not. I think you should probably give her a few more days, a week at the latest. If not maybe you should go to her address. That would be really funny to see. lol. But anyway, I wonder why she would go to sell tickets that she hasn't recieved yet? Next time if you go to a concert and need tickets I advice you get them off of a big website that a lot of people use. i never heard of gumtree before.

How did Heath Ledger died? Did he suffocated? He knew he was dying in his sleep and try to wake up?

he took 2 painkillers 2 anxiety pills and two sleeping pills and when he fell asleep, he didnt breathe...

What colour hair does this girl have?,r:22,s:0&biw=1345&bih=554

What does it mean if one week ur cervix is high & hard and the next week high and really soft?

we are ttc and ovulation days were 19th & 20th of august bd 16th 20th 21st & 27th (been having symptoms,check out my other questions) well just a couple of days ago/last week i started learning to check my cervix...well the other day when i checked it it felt i guess i would say kinda high and hard then today (22DPO) felt again and it was i guess high (had to "push" to find it sorry if TMI) it was high and really soft i guess you would say...what does that mean?? could i be pregnant?? or what (and im irregular so i haven't seen AF since 3/5/09)

Where was "the palestinian people" in 1948-1967?

In Palestine and surrounding countries. 700,000 were driven from their homes (of those the Zionists didn't macre) in the 1940s. I notice that you don't provide any historical sources for your ertions. I guess you can't be bothered reading history books?

Would anyone be willing to proof this paragraph...(10 points)?

i'd have to email it to you due to plagiarism issues. anyway, it's strictly grammatical. please do not be appalled by by atrocious grammar, writing is really not my thing.

Why isn't God accused of pedophilia?

In Biblical times, life expectancy was about thirty, and girls got married as soon as they were old enough to produce children. Even today, in some Third World countries, girls are married in their early teens. That's just the way it is.

For leeds fest, do you have to go into the festival with the person who bought the tickets online?

I have a leeds fest ticket bought my a friend on his credit card, I am selling the ticket but will the person who buys it have to go with the person who bought the ticket in the first place?

Honda Prelude 88 Si 4ws Modding Help?

I just picked up the 88 prelude and i wanna do it up a lil, without spending HUGE amounts of money. I'm thinking about lowering and rims... how much would that set me back? How would i go about doing it? Like, a mechanic or a body shop? Im in Oz btw (Australia ^^)

Continuously blowing nose

Allergies or a cold can cause you to have a sinus infection. I am not normally one to tell someone "Hurry go see your Dr." I believe in people trying to take care of theirselves in order to avoid the unecessary fees of the Dr visit, medicine, etc.... Normally I would tell you what you could do to take care of your sinus infection, but at this point it is time to see your Dr. to get some antibiotics. When there is no infection present, your mucus is clear/white and when there is an infection present then it is yellow. When the infection has gotten worse, the mucus is green. Email me if you have more questions.

Dolphin training?

Sorry. You have no business working with aquatic animals if you refuse to learn to swim. A company or organization that has dolphins has to pay accident insurance and an employee who refuses to follow basic common sense about safety is a liability.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NBA POLL: If you team is eliminated, do you continue to watch the playoffs, or what......?

The ATL Hawks are out, so I mind as well find something better to do. I doubt I'll be watching much of the NBA Playoffs.....Today, I've become an NHL hockey fan. CANES NUMBER 1 BABY WOOHOOO!

Ok someone please help me!?

ok my yahoo IM is all messed up... i can sign in and stuff but when someone IMs me i cant see what they just typed... they can see what I type but i cant see what they type.. help me please!

Does he like me?.....?

hello i went out two weeks ago and met a nice guy in a bar. we had a quick kiss and swapped numbers, hes text me everyday since and has called twice. we seem to have a lot in common and he has asked to see me again, i know it sounds stupid to ask if he likes me but im jus a bit wary of men.. are these signs good?

Coughing keeps my up at night?

My mom went through the same exact thing several months ago. To quell the symptoms, her doctor prescribed her cough medicine laced with hydrocodone which seemed to help. In the end, it didn't matter because she had cancer and was terminal. I watched her last breaths in tears, but at least she wasn't coughing anymore, nor will she where she's going. Good luck.

Is my 100m time really bad ? :(?

To be honest that isn't good for a high school boy. Me and other girls on my high school track team get that or lower. To be average you should reach a very low 12 sec for men. Practice on your starts, getting a good start will improve your chances greatly. The 100m is all form and explosion, you need a fast start and good form since it is such a short race.

I went(lightly) throu my gf phone and seen some flirting texts?

Let her go. Let her do her thing. you need to back off. Because right now, shes in the wrong. Not you. You are sure of what you want and her on the other hand, seems to be a but confused let her be ad figure it out. put 0 effort in. When she figures it out, shell tell you. Do not show that your willing to be walked over.

Presidential candidates suck, people complain, yet no one does anything?

What do you want us to do? Organize, write down our goals and ideals, declare our seperation from the established system of power, and then stand up to the establishment's retaliation? Hmmm ...

PLZ help me find a laptop, been looking for ages?

Ok Dude...I am a gamer just like you...but not as big of a budget. I have the perfect laptop for you...the only thing is it doesn't have centrino duo. It's an Alienware Aurora m9700, said to be the best gaming laptop on the market. Customize it to this: Dual 256MB NVidia® GeForce™ Go 7900 GS - SLI Enabled, AMD Turion™ 64 Mobile ML44 2.4GHz 800MHz FSB 1MB L2 Cache, 2GB Dual Channel DDR SO-DIMM at 400MHz - 2 x 1024MB, it comes wit Vista Home Premium, 160GB Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s 5,400 RPM w/ 8MB Cache , then keep all the rest of the stuff and boom, you are just under 2700$. it shud come out to 2629$. The Graphic card: THE BOMB!!! The RAM: AWESOME, the processor: oMG FAST! Hard Drive: MORE THAN ENOUGH!! Windows Vista Home PRemium: AWESOME! and under your budget. I am not sure about the over heating or making too much noise but if I was you...I would get this laptop expecially for gaming.

POLL You know the show on the cw farmer wants a wife if you do what girl do u hate and why and who do u like?

I like Amanda too. I don't know why everyone keeps gaining on Brooke. She's just having fun she hasn't really done anything wrong. I absolutely HATE Christa!!!! She has a real attitude problem and she's always drunk.

Who is a better fantasy baseball pick up?

Sanchez has more potential. He is a strikeout pitcher who can be very streaky, and definitely very good. Arroyo is more consistent, but is basically only good for a low ERA. I think you made the right choice.

Mel Gibson................?

Do you think he should be arrested for threatening to kill the mother of his child when they were talking on the phone? Or do you think that was a private conversation,it's nobody business,and he should not be arrested?

How can I stop being jealous of my boyfriend?

You chose to have three kids and you chose a partner who's priority is golf over family. There is nothing you can do but find interesting things to do WITH your kids.

Why is he Lying For NO Reason (Ex)?

Could be various reasons. The first thing that comes to mind is he wanted to look good in your eyes and to win you over for or whatever. The next is that he wanted to get even with you for something you did to him and enjoyed leading you on. Either way, he's a jerk.

A current poll?

Really?? 4 Weddings best British film? What about Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, Dog Soldiers???? Life of Brian would have to be right up there! Who decided? 4 Weddings sucks. Booooo!!!!

Possible wacked Brother?

I woke up one time in the early morning and thought i felt somebody touching me but was too tired to think anything of it sothen i went back to sleep. a little while later i woke up and new someone was touching me. And i felt them going near my so i got rlly nervous and i turned over and pretended to be asleep. so i heard the person go under my bed and looked to c hu it was. i saw my little brothers arms sticking out!!! i dont no wat to do- shud i tell my paremts and get him in major trouble because maybe he needs help- or not say anything? im a lil worried though that he may have tried touching me in other places.... and i didnt feel anything or didnt wake up!!! im sickened to my skin by this!!! Please HELP!!!

Is this 1994 Ford Probe worth it?

Its a 1994 Ford Probe 4 cylinder, 2 door, 100 000 km, $3000. Is that too much or is that a good deal. Some old lady had it so i bet it is still in good condition. Thanks :)

Injuried Shetland Pony....?

i would probably say i want the vet to come. a receptionist is not a vet. she should not put you off. at the end of the day,you are the one paying the bill.

How can I prove to the contractor and manufacturer that my replacement windows are not good?

I replaced all of the windows and doors in my house. My house is still cold in all the rooms and I cannot sit on the couch or chairs by the windows. It doesn't matter what I put the thermostat on. The heat warms the interior corridors, then when we walk into a room with windows it is cold. When I open the blinds in the morning, a blast of cold escapes into the room. I also feel a small amount of cold air leaking at the window corners where the gl meets the vinyl frame. The window sills and gl are cold. It seems that the cold comes right through the gl itself. These are low e, argon gas double panes (Ideal 4500 series windows). Is there a technical test to prove that these windows are not good so that I can argue this to the installer and manufacturer?

What fish can i keep with male betta?

Well your pretty limited with the betta. If I was you I would get a small tank for your betta because bettas are shy and timid in 10 gallon tanks. Heres a basically complete list of fish they can get along with. Zebra danios, Lemon tetras, platies, corydoras catfish, most other peaceful tetras, plecostomus, ottocinclus, cherry barbs, neon tetras, most catfish, african dwarf frogs, snails, and black kuhli loaches.

Final Fantasy Advent Children clip wont open in Vegas Pro 10?

Every time I try to open the damn clip, Sony Vegas Pro 10 crashes. Any help or suggestions about where to find new clips?

2 psu for 1 computer connected to different stuff?

I don't see why you wouldn't just use one power supply. You can find 24pin to 20 pin adapters for around $10 at But you would be able to use two, but you would have to manually start the power supply that is not connected to the motherboard. To do this, I suggest watching this video (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a You will need to do this every time you boot your computer, so I strongly recommend that you use a single power supply.

How many people have died so far in the Iraq War?

I am writing an English paper and would like to include that statistic. But i cant find a recent count! Please help me! Links would be greatly appreciated.

How did Obama's approval rating drop 15 points in three days?

An African-American getting a 68% approval is amazing in the United States. What seems to be to problem with the right wing conservatives. I would say by reading their answers here they are a bit jealous of Obama and angry about being losers. Hey, the American people have spoken and they have rejected the loser mentality of the right wing conservatives.

Anyone know what mental disorder this is?

a symptom of borderline personality disorder and is sometimes ociated with mental illness, a history of trauma and abuse, eating disorders, or mental traits such as low self-esteem or perfectionism. There is a positive statistical correlation between self-injury and emotional abuse

Peja is now a Mavericks?

Cuban confirmed it. How deadly are the Mavericks now. They have great shooters of Dirk, Butler, JET, Stevenson, Povlavic, Roddy B and now Peja.

Doctor nurse help with heart condition SVT?

Im diagnosed with AV node supra ventricular tachycardia.I have a few questions... Is my condition deadly? Im a competitive cheer leader and i get worked out till i cant move another muscle and usually when im working out i don't have pain in my chest but it fells like my hearts stopping and for few seconds whats going on there? Im on a medication for is Lynxion i think... and i forgot to bring it on my vacation and didn't take it should i start up again on it? ( i didn't have any episode without the medicine)

I need a movie nerd, What are the 35 movies references in the new Blockbuster holidays commercial ?

I recognize 1-Stella: Tramway 2-Bigger boat:Jaws 3-Little friend:Scarface 4-Luke : Starwars 5-Thats a knife: Crocodile Dundee 6-Whats she s ahaving: Harry met Sally Anyone know more ?? Its bugging me that there is 35 !! I need more , hihih Thanx Mimi

How do you stop frustration showing?

stop thinking about what frustrated you and think about something else i know its hard but after awhile ull learn to forget what happend for a little bit of time atleast

Is my behavior linked to my hermitness?

iv been spending a lot of time alone by myself in my room becuse i am reluctant to go out, to get a job and to hang out with people, i communicate online with people but even there's a sort of tension that i get, a nervousness with socializing with others even online.. i think im so reluctant to actually get out because im terrified of making mistakes and i realize that life is full of them but i feel like too much of a pathetic loser to present myself to the world, now i don't mean to sound all woe is me and everything, id just like your advice on what should be done in this situation.. should i see a shrink, you think? it may sound like social anxiety/phobia to you, and that is possibilty, i sometimes have difficulty socializing with even my PARENTS for gods sake, sometimes cant look them in the eyes or maintain focus in a conversation, especially with my father, he was never much of one, but i digress, what do you think should be done? btw im 20 yrs old. thx for ur time.

Please only answer this if you actually have some knowledge of how abusive/controlling men operate and think..

sweetie he sounds controlling and abusive!he sounds like he's emotionally abusive and it's not going to get any better it will only get worse.he will tell you he's going to change and get better,etc. but its all a lie its part of the cycle of abusive and control. he needs to help you out more with the children, he sounds really selfish to me. you need a break!your going to school and practically taking care of 3 children. try expressing to him that you feel like your doing all the work,going to school,etc. if he doesnt agree and doesnt make any improvements get the F out of there!because its only going to get worse,and you will find someone who will love you and be there for your children. you shouldnt have to buy this guy smokes!wtf

Lillee's Thoughts On Johnson, Your Opinions Please?

I think his comments are 100% corrext mate.I told you last year to watch out for him.he is an ecxellent young bowler and we are only starting to see his stuff.Wait until he has the experience of Lee,to be honest i think he is going to be better than Lee..Not taking anything away from Lee,he is a top bowler but i see something in Mitchell Johnson and it is unreal.

Why is that after many years people come forward with allegations/accusations against the catholic church?

Please answer me in a polite and constructive way,I just think that there may have been some cases where there was nothing involved except money. I mean when I was 5 if someone touch me , my parents taught me to speak out, Is it just me? And do people forget its not just catholics ? again this is not meant as a insult but a Serious question. your thoughts?

Who Do I start for Week 1 at RB?

I personally don't like to load up on one team. just in case they get shut down, and i'd like to see D'angelo prove himself first

How can i stop thinking that some of my clmates are there watching me while im being scolded in public ?

its very strange because im scared that if my clmates see this theyll tell everyone that my parents scold me quite a lot , but they dont . how can i stop feeling that way?

Does chewing and spitting have a gray area?

I know its bad when practiced with all foods, but you know it makes sense when you want to taste a really delicious but bad for you food. Why not just taste the apple pie then spit it out avoiding the period of regret you feel for falling off the diet wagon? And on that note is any nutrients or calories ingested right from the mouth or does food have to reach the stomach for nutrients and calories to be utilized?

Is it stupid to wear a college hoodie for any random college?

I want a new hoodie, but you sure as hell won't catch me wearing anything that says "HOLLISTER" or "SO CAL" across the chest anytime soon, like everyone else in this stupid town. I have my fair share of DC or Burton hoodies because I snowboard. But now I really want a college hoodie just because in my opinion they're stylish and nice. The thing is, I'm not really into any college sports, and I'm in highschool so I don't attend college. I found some nice hoodies (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a but I feel like it would be weird to get one if I have no affiliation with the school or team. What do you guys think?

Who should I start at QB in week 12?

Start Roethlisberger for sure. The steelers are doing great offensively lately, (other than the interceptions) so with Ward and Holmes they will be at best. If they dont throw picks.

Whats the size tires come on a ford bronco xlt (1988)?

What is the height and width (in inches) that come on a ford bronco.Whats the biggest size tires that you can put on a ford bronco

How would you become a disney actor ?

well basically, i really want to become an actress on Disney channel, but i dont know how. a lot of disney stars originate from texas (cody linely, demi lovato, tiffany thorton, hillary duff, selena gomez..) and im also from texas and i was wondering how did they get their break so easy from Texas??but. the point is that i want to know how i could get an audition with Disney management, and what skills would be required for getting a role on a disney sitcom (and yes i know its not easy!) the only acting experience i have is from school drama elective, but do they look for your background in acting, or your actual acting ability-because alot of the stars have some sort of background experience. can somebody please answer these questions with detail. and yes, i can act.

How can I get her 2 see sense? My need is greater - why's she so selfish.?

dude I stopped reading after the second paragraph when you wrongly took away the maid of honor for a marriage that isn't going to work. I honestly feel like your the selfish one in this story.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Which reaction is an example of an acid based reaction?

second chemical equation is an example of an acid-base reaction. H2SO4 is an acid and Ca(OH)2 is a base giving a product of salt and water. If preferred amount of both acid and base are combined, this will result to neutralization process wherein the resulting substances do not possess any property of either an acid or a base.

If evolution is "just a theory", where does that leave creationism?

Scientists can't clify CREATIONISM as a theory, as a theory must have a sound scientific basis. Evolution has a basis in the fossil evidence, but no one can produce evidenceof Creationism, therefore it remains just a story, not a theory or a fact.

What are these word equations? Help!?

the other guy's answer is right except in the first equation, CaCl2 is calcium chloride, not calcium carbonate =]

Can ya help(please, please, please) i posted this question yesterday and nobody answered?

It sounds to me like she likes you, but maybe the problem with her acting as if she doesn't, is because maybe her friend likes you too. Sometimes 2 friends like the same guy, but one friend may not necessarily show interest in you for fear of hurting her friend, or feeling like she is betraying her friend in some way. Maybe her friend said that she thought you were cute first. If that is the case, most of the time it means that the friend who said they liked you first should have first dibs on trying to get with you. If the girl that YOU like shows interest in you the way she does, but then backs off a little, you can bet that this is the case. She just doesn't want to be a bad friend and step on her friend's toes because her friend likes you too.

What do you think about this horse?

Wow, those are pretty good bloodlines! But sometimes it doesnt really matter about the parents and the past breedings of a horse. It is much more improtante if the horse has a good confermation, is sound, good temperment, is able to be riden, and the overall experience of the horse. Bloodlines do take a part though if the overall breedings of the horse have had very good temperment and are very lovely to ride then this could reflect in the horse in question.

How do you feel about secular atheist groups?

If you don't know what that is, they basically do everything that a religious youth group would do except they don't have any religious affiliation.

Who to start for week 3, Jones, Johnson, Benson?

I'm trying to figure out who to start week 3. I have Chris Johnson, Felix Jones, Cedric Benson. Barber will more than likely be out this week and Jones will get more carries than usual, who should I play?

Is it safe for a young Jew like me who is dressed as a rabbi to visit Tehran? I am leaving tomorrow and excite

I plan on going there to hand out flyers in support of Israel on request of a friend of mine in Yemen.

Can you tell me if i got inappropriately questioned and checked at the Los Angeles airport?

Whilst it may seem irregular, I would imagine that they have been tasked with targeting a number of unknown individuals. I agree with other comments that they probably used different wording to these questions, and they are really just asking the purpose of your visit. Thailand and other countries in that region have poor drugs trafficking records, and the use of drug mules (tempted tourists) is a real problem.

Explain why the properties of alloys are generally superior to their constituent componets?

The superior properties of alloys result from the ulative properties of all the constituents of the alloy. For example, an alloy can be more durable than one constituent but more malleable than another.

Synonym for blabbermouth?

what is a sophisticated way of describing someone that can't keep a secrets and tells their friends everything?

Clify the following as ionic, covalent network or covalent molecular?

CuSO4 and CaSO4 are ionic.ethanol,hexane ethanoic acid and naphthalene are covalent molecular and sanel is covalent network

Is getting a Xbox 360 4gb better than getting the 250gb?

Use the external hard drive and go the cheap route. Make sure its combatable with the 360 first though. The games are the same. With your hard drive you already have you will be able to play all the games you want, With so much content being downloadable nowadays you kind of need more than 4 gb to be honest unless you dont download new content or X-box Live Arcade games. You can also download tons of demos and clic games. Greatest hits as well like GTA4. The Arcade games and demos must be downloaded to play.The greatest hits can be bought on a disc and most DLC can be eventually. To sum up, Make sure that the 360 and your drive are compatible and go with the 4Gb. IF it is not compatable than buy a cheap HDD and still get the 4G. I have had my 120 GB for 3 years and it has never gotten filled. I dont play too many games but the ones I do play always have a lot of DLC and I used to play a lot of demos and still have never deleted a thing. So I would say a minimum of 120 GB is needed. Maybe someone who plays a lot of games can tell me how large the HD should be.

Why does he ignores me? hates me now?

Hes not igonreing u. he was very shy cuz he say how beautiful u were and was speechless, so he say hi meaning he didnt kno what to say. Im sure he doesnt hate u, hes just shy. :)

How would you mommas feel about this?

I am 24 i have one child and I have been off and on with the babies father since my child was born, well i met this guy and leave him after discovering he is a hugh scam artist and he tells me he got off inside me so that if i got prego i would be his forever then by babies dad says yeah i been getting off in you for a couple weeks. i know I should have used protection (condom) and i didnt and every birth control i take makes me sick and i have an allergic reaction to it my throat swell etc, I am not prego i took a test today, but should i be mad at them for not telling me or mad at myself if i do get pregnant because all these events happened within the last couple weeks.

How do you like these shoes?

i prefer the black pair that without heels. relative short guy usually don't like tallest girls who make then feel inferior.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Romeo and juliet help!!!!!!!!!!?

please help me. I have to do a project for the play romeo and juliet. This character prince, i have to come up with a song that describes him. for example romeo's song would be grenade by bruno mars because him and that girl rosaline. Please respond

POLL: Are FARTS transferrable?

This has made me laugh so much , I love it when people think of the maddest things like this :) But i don't think what your saying is true no !

Is frozen yogurt as digestible as yogurt?

I'm lactose intolerant, but I can eat yogurt with no discomfort, presumably because the live cultures aid digestion. Ice cream, however, causes me extreme pain, even if I take a lactase enzyme supplement beforehand. Several friends have suggested I try frozen yogurt, but I'm concerned that it's not really yogurt and will still give me cramps. Does anyone have experience with this?

Should CIA kidnappers be deported to Italy?

The papers today are talking about how a drug dealer from Colombia was just deported to the US for trial, as happens pretty often. Italy recently indicted a number of Americans for kidnapping some of their citizens and sneaking them off to secret prisons for torture. The US is refusing to extradite the suspects for trial. Can somebody explain the difference to me?

Do you really think Rudy can defeat Barack Obama? Who is the best Republican that has a chance to beat Obama?

No...I think Huckapee is gaining momentum but if the elections were held today and it was Obama vs ANY Republican, Obama would win.

Baby has reflux and nothing stops the crying, any suggestions?

My 4 week old has been diagnosed with reflux. I believe it is silent reflux because he shows ALL symptoms of it. He is currently taking Prevacid Salutab twice a day, which doesn't seem to be doing anything. He drinks Enfamil Gentlease formula (directed by doctor). He is still is having episodes of crying while being fed *screaming crying*. I have tried different temperatures of formula, holding him up while feeding, burping after every ounce, rocking him, switching bottles and , using a pacifier, mixing gripe water in with his formula....nothing seems to help and I feel like he is in pain all the time and I feel like it is getting worse. It makes me sad to see him like this especially when he eats. Sometimes he goes the entire day crying and sleeping for only 20 mins at a time. I also keep him up about 10 mins after feeding him and keep him at a 30 degree angle if he is laying down. Has anyone ever experienced this? What has helped? Could the prevacid be making it worse?

Clical trio for piano flute and boon? or piano and 2 flutes?

Go to - and search in their very well-organized site. There are MANY good works - and whole lot of also-ran works - that will fit what you wish. Make sure to also look in related searches, like flute CELLO piano - tons there, too. And if your boonist wants a work that they can catch some rest - then there are Baroque sonatas in which they can play the b line in the continuo.

I've put my self on a diet and its to loose 10kgs in 7days?

i only need to loose 5kgs but i wanna be a lil underweight so its not such a big deal if i gain a lil but all you get to eat is soup the same soup all day for 7 days and water and on the odd day u can have a gl of skim milk or some thing and im findin it hard to stick to the det i did it in the past on the 2nd day i had lost 2kgs but i quit its so hard to stick what can i do to desract my self

Have you ever heard of a place called astro skate ? Best answer 10 points !?!?!?

Well at like 1:00 im going to astro skate !!! i have never been there can you tell me what it's like.......................... HELP ME PLEASE thnx !!!!! =D

What to do with over-protective parents? I'm ready to move out; Help!?

Yes you are grown, you don't have any kids, you are in college. You have every right to move in with your boyfriend, if thats what you choose to do. Of course your grandmother doesn't want to you leave, she will always look at you like you are a child. But making a decision such as that and standing up for urself will make her see that you are an adult and can make adult decisions. Then she will respect for that. Don't worry she will be upset for awhile, but she will get over it. Plus if you leave, she will have a bed to sleep in.

Why are people so judgmental and intolerant in America?

Becuase american culture is raised for lookout of themself and follow a God, and a stranger is an enemy until becomes a friend.

New to graphic card plzz help?

If you put a 256 mb graphic card your total memory would be only 256mb...and all the above games would work for your pc confing with a 256mb graphic card.....its better if could have named your graphic card like if its nvidia 7 series or ATI radeon....Anyways there would be a problem if you are to play the latest games like Far Cry 2, GTA 4 etc.

Is it true that wearing makeup is a scam that people fall into trying to look like the barbie theyll never be?

I have seen a woman at work that most men were lusting after, sent to her house when she had the flu as part of some kind of relief mission she wouldnt open the door. later that day we didnt have a choice and said open the door so we can get the damn keys she was holding (pwords too) or she can just enjoy unemployment.. she opened the door and her face was full of birthmarks, everything was covered usually. she didnt cry that much. you can do it if your good with makeup. we kept our mouths shut, I dont work there anymore. eventually you do have to own up.

Re Victory Japan day - who else hates Japan for never apologising for torturing and murdering our brave POWs?

Ok...but that girl was right. Last time I checked it wasn't 1945.Every country has things in their past that they aren't too proud of these days. So you single out Japan because??????

Cars w/ electric heated seats? What did people do before this luxury? Pay people to sit in the seat for a hour?

For example, a rich snob from the 1960s had a brand new 1968 Mercedez Benz, but it had ice cold seats in the morning. He obviously couldn't survive such hardship, and i'm certain he would not allow his backside to suffer. So did such people pay poor people to sit in the seat to warm it up properly every morning?

How do y'all feel about Matt Serra now?

Honestly, I thought he got lucky against GSP the first time. I thought he was a loudmouth. Hell... he is a loudmouth. But, GSP came out and said alot of the talk leading up to the fight was just to help hype it. And then I considered that Serra took the fight knowing the Canadian fans would be against him. And then afterwards he didn't talk rematch... he just admitted GSP was better that night, and joked about it. And instead of saying post fight that he would drop down a weight cl, which he should, he was asked if Matt Hughes was on the horizon, and he said he wants that fight. In other words, he's not backing down from the tough opponents. Frankly, he's earned my respect. Seriously. I hope the man fights Hughes, and win, lose, or draw, I hope he drops down in weight and has a great career. He'll always have champ on his resume. How do y'all feel about him now?

Webcam goes dark on Windows Live Messenger?

ok basically i was playing with my webcams with a friend on WLM, and i decided to see if my old one still works, so i plugged that one in and played for a bit. when i went back to my laptop's built in one that i always use it was too dark to see. why is it doing this? my laptop's an Advent something or other. don't ask me for all the technical crap cos it's likely to be something small that i can't find.

Will K8upgrade VM800 socket 754 motherboard support ATI radeon X1600 pro with 512RAM AGP?

I don't see why not, just make sure your computer has proper ventilation and make sure that the card has a fan on it.

How can I overcome this mess?

You can't let 2 screwed up men ruin all of the rest. That would be very childish. Maybe speak to a therapist.

Where can I find cool hoodies for juniors?????

Where can I get hoodies like with awesome designs on them? I've looked all over and theres nothing besides like skater stuff. My friends have cool hoodies: like one has one thats from nordstrom's and its like red but with a crossword puzzle its awesome. And she w\has another one and that has like music notes all over it. And this other girl i know has a light blue one with dinosaurs all over it. Why can they find awesome hoodies? Help? Can you either put somewhere online or in New Mexico. Thanks!

Icecream, icecream, we all scream for icecream!?

Chocolate , S , right handed , Grey Ghost , bbq , Black and white , 100 Friends , I'm single , Black And White

How old was Neil Armstrong when he went to the moon?

I have to do a report on astronaut Neil Armstrong. Iwant to get a good grade. I want to Know if he is dead. Please answer A.S.A.P.

Leg pain after workout?

Could this be too much of a workout? 25 mile bike road ride the night before. 15 mile bike ride in mountain bike park. 1 Mile swim. 5 minute warm up on a bicycle at the gym, 10 minute stretch. 1 hour focusing on leg muscles. My legs are as sore as crap! To walk I have to bend my knees a little or it hurts too much. Pain starts at mid calf, goes straight through the backside of knee, stopping at the end of the rectus femoris muscle. Dosnt feel like I pulled a muscle. I guess I just worked that area a little too much?

For all the people that know about Track and Field, what exactly is top end speed and what does it do?

The reason i ask this is because when i watch track races, the 100m especially, i always hear about Tyson Gay's or Veronica Campbell Brown's Top end speed. So i would just like to know what is top end speed?

2009 fantasy football week 4?

Need advice. Should I start Santanna Moss (WASH vs TB) or Johnny Knox (CHI vs Detroit)? Moss gave me a really good week last week so I'm leaning toward him, but I really like Johnny Knox against Detroit. My other two receivers are Vincent Jackson(SD vs Pittsburg) and Steve Smith (NY vs KC). Any advice?

Who's death was sadder for you.Chris Benoit or Eddie Geurero?

i say chris beniot. not only did he kill himself but he killed his wife and his son who want even 10 years old. then the wwe erased him from the wwe. they dont want anything to do with him. at least eddie guerrero has a legacy,he is always and will always be remembered thats a good thing its nothing to be sad about thats something everyone should be proud of. chris beniot on the other hand doesnt even exist in the wwe anymore.

Who's player tee shirt should i get?

haha i would say a red John Smoltz shirt. Just cuz i am a big fan of Smoltzie, as you can tell by the Tomahawk nation name haha.

Are the Dolphins showing signs of weakness ?

You have to understand that they only won 1 game the entire last year! some "EXPERTS" said they would ONLY win 3 games this that shut them up. i get what your saying because i thought the same thing. i was expecting them to blow them out...and honestly they should have. but although they were suck-*** teams, the dolphins need wins like this. they need to feel the last min pressure and overcome it....which they have. they need to build that confidence to win with the last possession of the game on offense or defense. honestly im happy that they're playing better. and who would have thought that this next game vs the Pats is a meaningful game!!! i mean yst are talking about them competing against the division for a top spot or possibly a PLAYOFF contender! now lets not get ahead of ourselves here...but they are playing a lot better than any1 of us would have thought.

Interpret act 2 scene 5 line 10 of shakespeare romeo & juliet. and in their triumph die like fire & powder?

in those days , the only pistols were flintlocks and it took a spark of fire to set off the powder to lauch the projectile from the barrell . What this says is that if Rome and Juliet both dying they will be at peace together with no arguments and that like that once the gun is fired the fire and powder for that round die too as did the two lovers .

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is the phenotype of an individual?

Hair on the back of the hand is dominant to no hair on the back of the hand. what is the phenotype of an individual who has the heterozygous genotype?

How do you get into the Christmas spirit like when you were a child?

I feel the excitement from Christmas has gone, I used to get really excited when December began and I started to open my advent calendar. How can I get my childhood Christmas spirit back?

Which one should i get?

Dude get a 4 door car trust me I bought a mitsubishi 3000gt vr4 when I was 17 and regreted it really bad I couldn't go on road trips with my friends, we couldn't jump in my car to go anywhere cause we couldn't fit in my car it sucked. If you want fast get a mitubishi evo or a subaru imprezza sti the evo is faster and lighter and has cup holders lol

Translate "Capitol City" into any other language?

I want to give a fictional city a cool name based on a language. Kind of like how Tokyo means "Eastern capitol". Any ideas appreciated.

Why did Indians change the some names of their cities ?

Is it becuz of high level of arrogance or Illiterates in India that can't even pronounce the name of their cities ?

Boxing career, please help?

My boyfriend is 16, he is into MMA & boxing. he wants to grow up to be a big fighter, we live in a small town and there is nowhere close for him to train, especially since he does not have his licenses yet, he is not so sure when he will get a car. he works out everyday ( P90x) i just bought him a heavy bag. he has gloves, punch mitts, ETC.. he wants to make this a career, but he cannot train right now. any ideas or tip as to what he should do in order to make this a career? thanks!

Okay: in what possible way does the word "Teabagger" constitute hate speech?

It is a vulgar, rude, ually explicit pejorative aimed at a group of people based on ociation. It is aimed at demonizing ridiculing and inspiring animosity against a group of people based on their ociation and their beliefs. It also uses references as an insult and is therefore derogatory toward gays. Calling members of the Tea Party "Teabaggers" is like calling black people the N word. It is a word meant to demean, insult and anger. It is a word meant to inspire hatred. That is the very definition of hate speech.

Which of the following three kinds of objects resides closer to the Sun on average?

Asteroids. The Asteroid belt is "inside" the orbits of the Jovian planets and comets can come closer to the sun than asteroids but on average, asteroids are closer to the sun.

Which rifle is better the rem. 700 tac. or the savage tac. in .308? Or is there a better one out there ?

I'm looking to spend about $1000.00 for both rifle and scope combo. Is there a better deal than one of these? Any suggestions? What scope should I get as well. Looking at mildot illuminated ones.

What is Sesshomaru's fluffy thing he carries with him all the time? (Inu Yasha)?

In the show Inuyasha, Inuyasha's half brother carries around a rather intresting fluffy/furry thing on his shoulder all the time. It's really long and as I said fluffy, but even after like, four years of watching the show, I have no idea what it is or where it came from. Please help me squash this most profound mystery by telling me what this is. Thanx! ^_^

BF problems!!! I'm lost and dunno what to do?

So i'm 20 and i am 6 weeks pregnant. I am in a serious relatioship and all. However my bf is not being the person he once use to be. Even before i got pregnant he has been treating me like this. He has been treating me like i dont exist anymore. Hes saying im a ***** when i talk to him when im not. He calls me names! Theres so much it saddens me everyday. I come second to him now. I try to talk about mature stuff like how excited i am to spend my life with him and how he feels and all he does is yell at me. He calls me a stubborn bat! Whatever that means. I just want a happy life with a man who treats me with love and respect.

Was president Wilson right to support the Greater Syria plan in 1919?

This would have created a huge country consisting of Syria,the Lebanon, and Palestine including the East Bank region. Think of the security and ease of travel,as well as the economic potential. Isthis one of the great what-might-have -beens of history or could this construct be revived?

Did anyone notice any foreshadowing in harry potter and the order of the phoenix?

Yeah, I noticed that. Another clue is that it's called the Order of the Pheonix. The pheonix is a mythical bird who can die and come back to life.

Can u please vote for the names for our twins; one boy + one girl?

Isabella Alice & Harry John :) Really cute.. but personally I would change this to Harry Josh or Harry William.

Kodak easyshare printer dock plus series wont work.?

As usual, HPs are wonderful I've always heard from people that once they install Kodak crap on their computer, it starts making their computer slow, doesn't work right, freezes, and is just a general nuissance. Well out of desperation I needed to install (unfortunately) a Kodak photo printer that was a well meant gift from someone. I installed the CD that came with it, plugged in the printer and PRESTO! NOTHING. I have a brand new Alienware M17 laptop running Vista and as always, Kodak has proven nothing but reliable again - not to work. I went to a dozen sites including the Kodak website and downloaded drivers and drivers and again and all the newest software to eat up my hard drive and not respond...NOTHING. How do I get this stupid junk to work?

What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? explain.?

mitosis is used in order to separate the cell or replicate. Meiosis though is the reproductive process of making gametes.

Why does the supreme court to tell us what jesus looks like?

according to scripture revelations tells us what jesus looks like and why is christianity undermining scripture versus supreme court.. thats like saying supreme court is higher than wonder they are pushing for separation of church and state

Cell Phone Texting help!!!?

So The Veronicas, my FAVORITE BAND IN THE WORLD, put a video out telling us that if we want them to tour in our city here in the states, to text the word VERONICAS to 50505. Now, I don't know exactly how to do that. You also have to include your location. Do I just put "50505" in the "To:" part of the text? And that's it for the number part? And what about the "VERONICAS" part? Do I put that in the "Subject:" or what?

Can anyone find any logical fallacies in these articles?

There are many incorrect statements. Just looking at the first one, there was never nothing and no one but a creationists has every claimed that.

Sunday expresse crossword?

would anyone know 8 down, a word meaning 'final permission, authorisation; aid or encouragement', 's?n?t??n', i think it's sanction but i'm not sure.

Sore stomach after i eat MCDONALDS?

Everytime i go to mcdonalds i order a big mac trio, after i am done eating the hamburger i get pain in my a sore stomach feeling and i also have to go to the bathroom and it's diarrhea :/ why is this?

Please Help Me Please?

i was remembering this one song but i don't know what its called a hip hop song and i keep singing and trying to remember it but i just cant so if anyone out there can help me name the song please the chorus goes like this (pa da pa pa da pa pawty yawty yawty yawty yaw pa pa pada pa pa pow) something like that the song was in the early 2000's

Balance this : Mg (s) + H2SO4 (aq) -> MgSO4 . 7H2O (aq) + H2 (g)?

:( I can't seem to balance it with water of crystallisation. So how do I put the statistics on my report?

I have the munchies, what can I make with these few ingredients?

Well you can have er toast, peanut er toast, honey toast, and toast w/ a peanut er and honey mixture.

Samsung blackjack2 data plan question!!!!?

I have a samsung blackjack 2 with out a data plan. i want to get a data plan but i want to know wut i should get. i looked on there website and i saw a unlimited data plan for 15 bucks a month. but then i looked and it said the phone wasnt compatible with this service so i looked under smartphone data plans and its 30 bucks so i just wanted to know if i could use the 15 doller one with my phone thanks for the help.

Men in kilts.........................…

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... (Oh, no ... not ever ... nothing against kilts -- but there is NO WAY That I want to see any male wearing what amounts to a skirt (oh, the horror).

Christians(or anyone) can you help?

Beside the fact that he was God in the flesh...Jesus loves us beyond our comprehension....with love you can do the same

Clear blue fertility monitor qu.??????????

IN the first cycle, the moniter tries to know your cycle. in the next cycle it should give you few "high" days (it is very imp. to have on those days) then it will give you 2 peak days( also have to cover the whole period ), then it will give you low days after that .i would ignore the test after one day from the peak so i can save the sticks. that is what i did

I have issues with woman and myself.?

I have a tendacy to flirt with woman, lie, and hurt poeple. I dont want to hurt any girl, I want to be happy with just one girl buf then my eyes and flirtatious ways always gets me in trouble. I have caused a lot of woman heartaches. I'm not proud of myself but I can't help but flirt with pretty woman. All my life ive been taught or raised to be the man, chase after or who can get the most woman. But all I'm doing is playing myself, and hurting others. I try to keep it real, but I lack a lot of being a husband type. I need advice, and probably a life lesson. Love is not to be played with. I'm sorry you ladies have dealt with guys like us. Remember you are still someone special dont let no one tell you otherwise. Stay true to your heart and who you are, you all are beautiful and unique in your own way.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I got a tank for free today?

Its around a 115 gall so what do yall think buy a new one or fix this one??? I need to re silicone hole tank, get a bottom piece of gl because this one has an oyster in it, and i need to buy black rim for the top. Wat u think???

Was Julius Caesar a great ruler or a selfish dictator!?

He was a great ruler because he led Rome in a great direction, but by doing so, he, in the process, was a selfish dictator. He was a great leader for Rome, but not necessarily for the Romans...

Best Fantasy baseball team ever ?

I wouldn't think the best team ever would be missing Wright, Pujols, Ramirez, Reyes, Manny, Halladay, CC, Lince, Santana (either of them), Nathan, Rivera, or Cliff Lee. But your team is very good. One of your 3 RP's isn't a closer and I don't keep non-closers. They just don't offer enough stats. Your outfield is good but not awesome. I think you would win with this team.

Hyperthyroidism treatment?

It does make some people gain weight, but rarely is it weight that isn't needed or excess weight that doesn't mostly come off once your body has been regulated

Are you a Cheesecake Factory chef or know the recipe for Pasta Da Vinci?

I am looking for the recipe for Pasta Da Vinci from The Cheesecake Factory. I know there are imitations out there on the web, but most everyone that reviews them says they don't taste the same. I am looking for the real deal. Also, what kind of Madeira wine is in the recipe; white or pink?

How do I increase using a shell stitch in crochet?

,If you have 14 shells and want to have 15 at the row before the increase crochet a chain out and then when you turn crochet in the increase shell.

Is there something wrong with the way i dress?

UNIQUE STYLES ARE DA BEST!!!..............:-)..............So dont worry about wat ppl say........(-;

Aren't you fed up with Sansoona the Palestinian?

I do know why do you care, this is a yahoo section and do not belong to any body, everyone can come and express their point of views, samsooma is a very old member of this section and in spite sometimes people do not agree with her views she always is respected and cared, so please if you do not like her answers or questions just do not answer them or do not read it ok?

Which road team do you see having the best chance of pulling and upset.?

I think that the Jags have a good chance of pulling off an upset. Because I think that New England's defense will have a very tough time stopping the Jags running game. They just went to Pittsburg and put up 31 points against the best defense in football. New England ranks like 4th overall in total defense. They will have their hands full with Jacksonville. I don't think the Chargers will win in Indianapolis. The Colts will have alot of their starters back. They are a totally different team when they have everyone back. Marvin Harrison will also be back. The Colts defense ranks 2nd in the league. The Chargers will struggle. The Chargers nearly lost to the Colts back-ups! That should tell you something.

Where can you find people with Sarah Palin's accent?

I figure you can find them in Alaska, but I also heard it in the movie "Fargo" which took place in the North Dakota/Minnesota area. How widespread is this accent?

Bad shape -> bad life?

theres someone out there for you, i promise. try to eat at least one piece of fruit and one vegetable every meal, and if you need a snack eat some fruit or vegetables. eat only whole grains and try to make your serving sizes smaller. to start out you way want to go on walks or jogs, if you have access to a gym then go there and lift weights as well. just do something that raises your heart rate for at least 30 min a day and makes you sweat. your gonna be fine man, your 21 and your whole life is ahead of you. go through your day looking at all the good things instead of all the bad. everyones lives have ups and downs. if we didnt have down points in our lives then we couldnt have up points. just try to enjoy life, its short and you only get one chance at it. make your time on earth amazing and out of the ordinary.

Is marc nelson and paula taylor of the mazing race asia 2 actually dating?

I would definitely think its a YES! I saw them last night at the TARA2 party and they were close! The body language and the eyes just gave it away! She was the first person he approached when he came down the stage after receiving all the phones and winnings. He was holding her close and whispered "Happy Valentine's Day" to her ears. SO SWEET! definitely a compatible couple. Even if they aren't I wish they are!

How do some investors own 50-120 properties? How are they getting mortgages for these? ?

are lenders lenient in lending in newly formed llc's for each property? what strategies are out there for acquiring numerous loans?

How has America been destroyed?

I think it is amusing that people act like it is the end of the world & President Obama has single handedly brought American civilazation to the brink of disaster. Talk about giving someone too much credit. Who are the delusional ones now?

Boiler Training In Houston, Texas?

I am interested in going to a boiler certification cl here in Houston, Tx. Does anyone know where I wouild go to recieve the proper training?

Fish tank plants (20 characters)?

what you need to do is figure out how much light you are giving them and the amount of time. find out what type of plants there are low, med or high light need to get low light plants it sounds like to me.and some fertilizers for them. most plants at your box store are being sold as true aquatic plants are they are labeled with the wrong plant. causeing you a lot of problems. i did the same the same thing and lost a lot of money trying to figure it out. a href="" rel="nofollow" this place is a start go to low light plants find the ones you like and will work in your tank conditions you will need to use liquid or tablet ferts to help your 75 gallon i got t5ho lighting c02 with flourite substrate and use liquid and pellet ferts to my planted your plants from some one how has knowledge of the plants like on line stores or a fish forum that has a buy and sell area in it i go here a href="" rel="nofollow" it free to join up. its the matter of getting the right combo of everything. buying the right healthy plants are from people that now what there talk about is the key

What is a good gift for a 40-45 year old woman?

Every year we draw for a grab bag on Thanksgiving, and I got my Aunt Judy. She is 40-45 years old, and you're supposed to spend no more than $20, considering you are buying other gifts, also. Yes, I have a local Walmart, Meijer, etc. She is a teacher for the fifth grade.

Which straightner works best ghd, chi or sedu?

i'm 13 and i have medium to long normal black hair. i've only straightened my hair once for a party, and i loved how it looked. i'm from asian descent so my hair is usually straight, but since i'm growing out my layers, my hair has become very wavy but only the black part of my hair. the front part is slightly wavy, but its more like around the bottom part of my hair. PLEASE ANSWER IF YOU'VE HAD EXPERIENCE WITH AT LEAST TWO OF THEM, and please name what kind (like a chi nano and a sedu pro-ionic). and STAY ON THE TOPIC. i DON'T want to hear stupid stuff about whether ionic or cermaic are better. also please give me an honest review, dont just say chi. or i'll get really mad because people like those piss me off..

Are they done making 'phil of the future'?

the last episode was when phil and keely kissed and got together then the diffys are on there way back to the future when they realise they forgot curtis and then thats the end they never say if they go back for him and stay or what. was it just a season finale or was the end end? please help cause i need to know....

Have you known USA wants to invade my country?

its not an invasion...its old news here and if your government has invited the missiles there,its not any sort of invasion...get over it...America is good for you...especially now that a real leader has been elected

Does Bisquik go bad? I tried to make Dumplings yesterday and they turned out like (well not very good)?

They seemed under done...but I followed the directions perfectly....they were still mushy...and underdone...even when I cooked then a little longer...also they sunk when I put them in the chicken stew...are they supposed to float?

What was one of volcano villarrica biggest Eruption?

Can you please explain what one of chile's volcano villarrica largest explosions were. Please describe well in detaill and fast because this project is due tommorow and its my last project step.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How did U.Sinvolvement in Vietnam evolve over time and howdid its change the presidents ability to conduct war?

Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson & Nixon, as well as the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act. please help

Is Rockhopper Exploration; AIM:RKH.L a good buy. I just opened up a share dealing account today, and I was....?

I am 18 years old and I have just officially opened up a share dealing account with my bank so I can now invest after years of bitching. I was wondering, my brother told me about this new oil company Rockhopper Exploration, stock ticker symbol, (RKH.L), and I've done my research on the company. Do you think it is a good idea to buy into it as it is expected to go up 320% this year if they find the oil off of the coast of the falklands? Please, I really need your advice. Thanks.

Are Nike Cortez trainers any good for running?

About to take up jogging for keeping fit, and really like the look of them. Have tried the footprint test and my feet seem to be 'normal'

How to Add Page Numbers in 2009 MLA Format?

If you are using WORD, look at the toolbar at the top of the page, click the Insert tab. Among the other icons you will find Headers, Footers, & Page Numbers. Click on Page Numbers and select the top right corner. Then click on Header to do your name.

Cricket PDA phone - Blackberry Curve or Verizon Centro?

Blackberry's are usually excellent phones.I think you should go for the blackberry curve device. If you were to flash over the Centro,some features might not be working. You sometimes loose features when using another unlocked phone on another cell provider.

I need value info on an old Captain America poster.?

I have a 1969 Capt. America Meets the Falcon poster. The colors are still quite vivid, however the poster is rather worn. I cannot find any poster of its kind relatively close to the descript. of what I have. And according to some sites, this poster does not exist. So how bout it Capt. America and Falcon fans... whatcan I expect for this extremely rare poster?

Better? Mike Bibby or Caron Butler?

I really don't know how you can compare Caron Butler and Mike Bibby. Butler is probably the better player and maybe slightly more important to his team. Mayo is better mainly because Donyell Marshall never fully realized his true potential. Lebron is better than Tracy at any time in his career and will probably be better at all times in his career. Elton has all the tools whereas Ben is predominantly a defensive force. Artest is a very solid player. Unfortunately he is Ron Artest. That said he is better than Mo Williams if only could go a two year stretch without getting negative publicity.

What musical artist do you think would be able to pull off being a superhero?

Can we go with band mascots? We can use Eddie from Iron Maiden to rid the world of all emo and popstars such as Britney and even celebutards like Paris. He could devour the emo groups, wipe his Britney's hair extensions and use Paris to pick the brittle bones of fall out boy from his teeth.

Why are USB ports sometimes not interchangeable?

that is part of the standard usb. its dues to various devices inputs. just because you put a device in one usb, doesn't mean it will be a standard slot for it. remember usb ports is PnP(plug and play). make sure some of your device is 1.1 and 2.0 backward. some usb2.0 device won't work on usb1.1 ports. please check your system specs and also check the manufacturer of each device.

How much do piranhas cost?

hey, how much do baby piranhas cost in pj's pets, or petsmart in alberta or best guess? or name a price of other petstores in edmonton.

What sort of personal advice you have?

Be okay with your self, don't depend on others; because in the end you die alone then you have no one.

How and why does a credit card company like Capitol One issue cards to me through 2 or more different issuers?

How can they offer me card from Capitol One and an Amazon Capitol One and a University Capitol One card and they are all different accounts. How is the money made by the issuer and the original credit card company? How does it work?

English homework help! "the Birds"?

You know, I can't help but think of the book, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. The relationship Capote developed with the killer ended up affecting him profoundly and Capote suffered great bouts of depression and later breakdowns. Read up, it's interesting.

This is a question about the v?

It is fairly impossible to tell you what is wrong over the internet. Based on what you are describing above, you could have something as simple as a yeast infection or something as complicated as chlamydia. You need to go see your gynecologist ASAP for proper evaluation and treatment. There is no other way. Good luck!

One really simple question?

Would a guy say "ewww" when someone say ask her out. If he really likes her but isnt sure if she likes him?

Shirt Question? Does anyone know?

I think you are right about the fit of that particular shirt. Try searching for Black Wing black T-shirt and see what happens. Maybe just Black Wing print shirts to start with. I hope this helps you. Cute shirt.

Vic Rattlehead wallpaper?

Im looking for a desktop wallpaper, specifically of Vic Rattlehead (Megadeth mascot). Even more specifically one where hes dressed as an admiral (or maybe general?) and ICBMs are launching behind him, larger resolutions are preferred, thanks.

I need a new series to read.?

The "Twilight" series is your best bet. Don't worry about them being teen books, they're not. Love is a subject that anyone at any age can relate to.

What is this fabric? help please anyone?

so, there is this fabric which feels like very lightweight suede, and i have seen it used on expensive (designer) shorts before... please can anyone tell me what it is? i know i've not been very specific.. but i really need to know and i have no more information about it!!

Zero or Element Skateboard?????

zero's are better than elements anyday, i've had both and used zero for a long time and never broke one they still hang in my garage. Yeah you can get a ligher deck by going with element but stay away from heliums, and fiberlights. featherlights and push decks are the better of hi-teck elements, or go with a resin 7 deck or any type of almost deck they are way better. for the tricks you do any deck will work, but if you want to progress to be better then you can be a little more picky, zero's arn't heavy but they arn't hi-tech light either but they will outlast and keep their shape for a longer time, meaning you'll have good pop for a long time and they're good for all type of skating.

Is This Rapper Better Than Other Rappers?

He's def better than Soulja and Flo. Comparing him to Wayne...idk. If you go off what Wayne is doing with himself rite now yes he's 20x's colder. But take the mixtape Wayne and Carter 2 Wayne...and i dont think T.I. seeing him

Where to have my 17th birthday in st.Louis.?

Any cools places for teens. I was thinking brunswick zone xl but they don't host parties on Fridays . Been to Dave and busters and incredible pizza before. Any cheap rooms to rent out and have a dance party.? Banquet halls venues. Arcade places.? It's in the winter please help.! :(

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is Miley Cyrus the next train wreck?

Everyone knows Miley Cyrus, right? I honestly don't like her, and I think that she is a bad role model for younger kids. She whined her way through the auditions for Hannah Montana, and told the judges about her famous father. They agreed to let her be the star of the show, if her dad was in it. Pretty unfair to the people who HAD TALENT, right? And what about the nude shot? And the YouTube video with her bff Mandy (whom I never heard of), making of of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. Also her "y" photos, with her flashing her bra, one with her wet tshirt in the shower, etc. What do you guys think of her?

This is stupid and i should already know what to do but i need help.?

Well, ask yourself this- Who is that you cant live without? Who do you see yourself enjoying spending the rest of your life with? Honestly speaking, society, age, caste, creed, religion, nationality are all man-made barriers. Love transcends all of them. Nobody would know the best answer to this situation than yourself.

How do you measure birefringence of thin rock sections?

Im getting a bit confused about how to measure the birefringence of minerals when using a microscope in my geology cl. Obviously the yser is in so that its not in plain polarised light. Then were given a birefringence chart and asked to determine the birefringence of a certain mineral in the slide. When the stage is turned, the colours change through extinction (black) to whatever colour. So, when you need to determine the birefringence colour (and find out what order its in), is this the maximum birefringence ? If so how do you measure this ? Im thinking that to measure this, you turn the stage a certain amount from the extinction, and then that colour is the maximum birefringence and the one that's use-full. The problem im having is that i don't know what im looking for, it all just looks like a load of changing colours, can anyone help.

Life in the projects??????????????????????…

i need help from somebody dats from a place where u needa bring a strap everytime you walk out ur house,, cause around my neighborhood theres none stop kids my age walkin round strapped with mace,, machetes (i aint lyin),, and billy clubs... all i have is some mace and theres two guys dat always tryda start shiiiit wit me,, i just got my mace not long ago so i was wonderin if i should mace em or what cause i dont want em to think im a punk,, theres no way im gunna snitch them out or anything like dat but these people piss me off so much i actually considered killen em once and i aint even kiddin,, so my question is How should i handle problems like dis where i live without possibly gettin merced

I'm caught in the middle of new and old technology and need help?

Wow, Sullivan's answer was really great, hard to find anything to add, except to make sure you DO have that center speaker in place.

Do you Knit or Crochet?

I do loom knitting which I recomend to everyone. You can knit just about anything and it's a fool proof way to knit things. You also can make mock crochet stitches that look like the real thing. Great thing is that now you can get your own just about anywhere, including wal-mart. It's called the knifty knitter, and if you have thought about trying it you should. It may seem limited but there are many sights that provide patterns, how to do regular stitches on looms, how to convert needle patterns and many more. I have to say I enjoy it a great deal and I believe it is faster than knitting by needles.

I will soon be getting a "Biewer" dog, and I need a name.?

I like people names. A Biewer is a Yorkshire terrier with white markings (a recessive trait for Yorkies) which has been developed over the last 25 years by a couple in Germany named Biewer (Beaver). I like Willie, for William Wallace who conquered York in the 13th century.

If I Have A ga-ex58-ud5 Motherboard, And I Want To Install A 7.1 Surround System, Do I Need A Sound Card?

that motherboard has an onboard 7.1 channel sound card so no need to buy a separate one unless you intend to produce music then i would recommend buying a decent card but if you just want to watch movies and play games then the onboard should be sufficient

Is "cl" still important?

We can not escape universal law: Balance. I especially liked the article because it respected all views, opinions, trains of thought and presented them. Cl, social mobility, standards of life, human rights, freedom, heritage, etc. etc. the real question is; can we discus these in general terms anymore now that we have a global population of almost 7,000,000,000 people. The other day I was reading an article on some of the happiest places on earth. The first thing I recognized was that non of the areas had populations greater than 10 million. But, not to get off topic. The problem with everyone having a desire to better their life is who will do the things that sustain us as a community. Who will clean the bathrooms ? who will dig the trenches ? who will weed and mow yards ? who will plow the field and feed the livestock ? who will sweep the floor and clean the window ? Until we can give these professions the respect they deserve; we will have cles and repression.


it will not be much harder but a taller boxer will have a little advantage because he will have better reach and longer arms

Im 2months pregnant and my bf walk out!!!!!?

im 2months pregnant by my bf. we was together for almost 2 years and over a year he broke my virginity, gave me HPV, chlamydia and couples a weeks later he broke up with me. pleeeeease help me cuz im stressing and i really dnt want to loose the baby. At first he told me he beaking up cuz im bitching den i went over there and he sed he want to break up it aint me it him he need to str8 up for him me n da baby. did he say dat to **** other girls or wat? what dat mean? wat should i do? because he broke up with me at night and dat evening i went through his phone and seen naked girls and dis girl num daila in his phone saved text say im so horny, i want to **** in luv? what dat mean he been cheating all the while? when he want to *** back should i take him back? or should i move on and put him on child support? right bout now i feel soooo stupid and i regret on alot of things!!!! i need advice please help me. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Was Medieval Japan a monarchy, if not what were they?

There was an emperor, although he had little power. The country was run by the most powerful clan leader, called the Shogun. The Tokugawa clan was pre-eminent after about 1600, so their rule is called the Tokugawa Shogunate. The rule was not absolute, and there was constant bickering and warfare among the various clans. This situation continued until the Meiji Restoration in the 1860s and afterwards, which was a restoration of imperial power as well as the opening of Japan to the external world.

Where would you suggest I place this quote?

Warning......Ribcage hurts like hell! But it would be nice...also upper back. I have a large piece on my upper back and have no problem hiding it for work.

Puritanism Vs. Deism?

First off, i'm not going to do your book report for you.... but as far as the puritan vs. deist thing, i can give you a little insight.... Bradford, as a puritan, basically tried to apply the moral code provided in the bible to everything in life, and took every word in the book literally. He led a stoic and very no frills life, which to him indicated that he lived by God's law. As a deist myself, I can provide a little more insight on Franklin's possible thought process. While deists believe in and hopefully live by a moral code, it's a contradiction to us that God would give us this freedom, then deny us use of it. The belief is, if God didn't want us at least checking a certain thought or activity out, he wouldn't have made it possible. This isn't hedonism, however, since the belief is also that God gave us the intelligence to realize, after experimentation, that certain things aren't conducive to a healthy or productive, and thus "good" life, that we could come to the conclusions of what is right or wrong through rational thought and actually living life.

I'd like some honest critique on my story please?

I think I would read it, but I am a big readerI think it could use a little more detail about the first room first you describe it as a room with no windows, then you say a cage, this confuses me. but you should be careful not to put in too much description, just be clear, is it a cage in the room? is it a prison cell?

What do you think of these names for a baby girl???

They are all very nice names. I really like Elouise but then you can't really have Louise as a middle name. I really like Tanzie, Ariel, and Elsie as well. Tanzie Louise sounds very nice.

Lady Gaga, Amanda Palmer, Emilie Autumn, or Joanna Newsom?

I'm a Little Monster, and a huge fan of Amanda Palmer. I like Emilie Autumn's instrumental songs and her outfits and theatrical performances, and in my opinion, Joanna Newsom sounds like a dieing cat, but which one out of all three of these is the best. (They have all been compared to eachother at one point or another in time)

Good Horror/Thriller films?

I was wondering if anybody knows some good thriller/horror movies, not heaps gory though more thriller horror..movies like When a Stranger Calls, Vacancy, The Strangers, Disturbia, Black Christmans, The Amityville Horror. Thanks :)

Are there any amigurumi crochet cles in orange county?

i actually prefer somewhere in buena park as i live in the area but any cles close by would do. i don't know how to crochet so if there are basic cles, that would also be great.

Anybody experience postpartum blues?

I had a pretty easy baby and I still felt like that at times! I had a hard time nursing and he wasn't a good eater at first, and I felt like I wasn't cut out for motherhood because I couldn't even feed my own child! Now he is a great nurser! No one can prepare you for how hard (AND FABULOUS!) motherhood is, and I find it hard to believe that there are moms out there who have never experienced that frustration!

What is mel gibson's real email address so i can be sure he reads my email?

Mel Gibson has never, nor will he ever release his personal email address to the public. Would YOU want 50,000 fans writing emails to you everday?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Biology Question! DNA-related?

DNA is loosely organized in areas where RNA polymerase is transcribing genes. What might you infer about a region of DNA that was loosely organized in muscle cells but tightly coiled in lung cells?

My husband and I are expecting..?

We can't decide on a baby girl name to save our lives. He likes Amelia or Audry/ Aubry and I don't like either but I love love love the name Kinley. Hmmmm... any ideas? We both decided on McKenzie but his twin brother has a daughter McKayla and we don't want them to be too similar.

Why do I have iron smelling l discharge?

they could be reacting (medications) your not supposed to take certain antibiotics while on the ortho series... see your doctor asap...

I have a question about evolution?

Yes, way too many variables to consider, temparature, climate, environment, disasters, the world could've evolved into a different place too, consider meat trees, vegetative creatures, mineral growth. This's just the hand we were dealt

Breeding mice...or not...PLEASE HELP!!!!!?

be careful, mice breed very quickly so before you know it you could have hundreds of mice which means that roxy and tilly might have trouble getting food due to the other mice eating it all, meaning they might p away. = (

Why would the existence of a God be a solution to the existence of complexity and order?

Because no thinking is required. I am often reminded of the Lemming -- just stop thinking and follow.

3 facts on the judicial branch of government?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Will a 700r4 out of an 87 astro van bolt into an 84 firebird?

The firebird has a 305 and I'm not sure about the van, but since they are both 700r4 s will they be interchangable.?

Qu for the soldiers...?

I have been serving for 18 years now and am currently deployed to Iraq and the chance of me being in this situation is very real. if there are war protestors at my furneral I would hope they would remain far enough away not to antagonize my family and give them the respect and peace the need. if they are respectful to my family then I say let them protest. I GAVE them that right and if that is what they want to do let 'em. Just because they are slack jawed cowards who do NOTHING to help ensure their own rights and freedoms and who EXPECT those rights, and do nothing but whine and complain backs up my beief that if it weren't for me and my Brothers and Sisters serving now they would not have those rights and could not go to sleep at night knowing they are safe. Kowing that they can go to the store and not be blown up or kidnapped tortured and beheaded. let them protest, let them do what they want. When it comes down to it, I have a clear conscience and KNOW in my HEART the I, ME, did something for EVERYONE in my country. I serve to ensure our rights and that NO ONE will take them away. if they are too cowardly to serve our nation and our people, then let them whine an ride along on our freedom, I'll gladly pay their share of the cost of freedom to make sure my daughters and their children live an a safe and free society because of my sacrifices.

Suicide Bombers - How could you even contemplate Blowing yourself up ?

Have you ever wondered - what makes a person blow him/herself up along with a bus load of tourists ? Are they Mad ? Did Peter Powers hypnotise them ? Or were they just that glad to escape the life they had that they were only too pleased to kiss their azz goodbye ? Or was really because the Mutants behind it threaten to kill their family if they didnt ? Who Knows ? Was a memember of your family a stick of TNT ?

Help with some grammar rules in English?

Wai can't wee all just tock lyke this? Inglish iz kon-fooz-ing! It wood be eezee-er if wei all just spoke lyke this. Yuu noe, all thuh wurdz spelld KORE-EKT-LEE. So, wai dun't wei all just four-git abowt Inglish and itz weerd wayz, and start type-ing the RYTE waye. Hoo iz with mei?

Should i regret what i said?

the other day this guy wanted to to give him a hand j. o. b, i didnt know how so i told him stright up "i dont know how to" should i regret that i said that? like do you think hell tell his friends and theyll all make fun of me?

Ex-husband slanders wifes name on Facebook?

I recently got officially divorced from my exhusband about 4 months ago but have been seperated for 6 months. I started dating a mutual friend facebook official about a week ago. but we have been hanging out for a couple months and he has been my good friend for a couple years. My ex husband finds out about this and writes a nasty note about him and I and tags my father and sister in it among his friends and family. And completely slanders my name for the world to see. What do you think about this? What is your opinion?

Isn't it ironic that creationists can attack evolution precicely because it is scientific?

They attack it because they see parts or all of their world in black and white. If something goes against the Bible as they perceive it, it's deemed as untrue, anti-religion, and definitely anti-God. They set up false dichotomies and other logical fallacies in order to explain themselves among other things.

Da vinci code?

is everything written in that book true. i feel the church has hidden the facts from ppl. is it true. i've started to belive dan brown now. wat r ur views abt it???

When can I stop being concerned about nitrate levels in my baby's food?

I have been following the American Academy of Pediatric's recommendation and have avoided giving my daughter home cooked carrots and spinach for fear of exposing her to high levels of nitrates. To my understanding, the nitrate levels of these foods are lower in commercial baby food jars because baby food companies are required to monitor nitrate levels in their vegetables. But now my daughter is almost ten months old and I would like to make her a batch of beef stew with carrots to freeze and serve again in the future. Do you think it is okay to start doing this now that she is older?

Help in opening photographs?

i am trying to open photographs sent to me in pps format,when going to windows photo Gallery i am told that i do not have the latest update but cannot find any signs of a update,does anyone know how i can open these photo's. thanks in advance,bronco.

Pregnant but Should I Let Him Go....?

Just because your pregnant doesnt mean you should be with him. Your child can still have a happy life eventhough yall arent together because he wants to be tere for the child not neccessarily for you so why would u wana be with him when u can find someone who does treat u rite?

You think this girls likes me?

Well theirs this girl from Communications cl I started talking to her then, but not in a lovey dovey way because I thought I was going for an internship in Orlando during the summer so I thought it wouldn't make sense to start a relationship and then leave for six months. Since then I got rejected from that internship (sucks), so I started texting her, skyping, and facebooking her. I only skyped her once cause she asked me to and we talked, but the conversation ended up short cause my laptoped crapped out on me so she said we'll talk later. She invited me to a movie up in the city park, but her car broke down so we couldn't do that. So I started texting her about once a week but lately she hasnt responded to any of my messages so does she like me? and advice is appreciated to. Also there is no way for me to meet her physically cause we live far apart and I have no vehicle we only see each other during the school year on the college campus.

Dear Contacts i was wondering...?

i will have a look for u to c if i can find it! ....but yeah i remeber it and that guy i a w***ker .....obiviously no respect what so ever the creep!!

How did the water on Earth form?

I was watching a video called "The day the moon was gone" by national geographic because I am interested in space science and astronomy and I was wondering, if the Mars size object that impacted Earth causing it's tilt created the Earth's plates, where did the water come from? Did the water form when oxygen and hydrogen combined? Where did the oxygen come from?

What past Republican President said these words? Do you agree?

I'm pretty sure that quote is from Dwight D. Eisenhower, who also spoke against a military complex if my memory serves me correctly.

Saturday Night Live question!?

My friend told me about this SNL episode that features Andy Samberg, and Fred Armisen. Some quotes I heard him say about it are: I did not do the crime!, the Pirates are a 1, and would you like me to hit him with a knuckle sandwich? Some details I remember are they are watching the World Series, and some guy has on a Red Sox jersey and a Yankees hat.

Ques. about the astromy trophies on millsberry?

I have 3 accounts on millsberry and on every single one i collected all of the peicse and put them in my house. last week i got all of the bronze trophies. today i found the gold trophy in all of my buddy's stuff....I didn't even go to the clearing or anything. I want to know how I get the silver trophy...or if I even can. did anyone else get the silver trophy??

Java question. How do you get a user to enter their full name once asked?

If the input data is: "John, Michaels", the comma may produce an error. I'd try "John Michaels", and call twice. If your still having problems, you can use Scanner.useDelimiter() or you could parse the line as one and call String.split().

When do the seasons start and end in the western hemisphere?

can you please tell me the dates that the seasons (summer spring fall winter) start and end in california

Monday, August 8, 2011

Looking for ideas for door prizes!?

I am planning a fund raiser for an adult organization that will be held at a bar/banquet hall. I am looking for good ideas for door prizes and events to draw in people. We are looking at a date in early May, so the weather should be mid 60's.

Is there a liquid solution i can pour down a pvc conduit to thaw the ice inside the conduit so i can pull wire?

Isopropal alcohol will thaw out that ice and then evaporate. Pour it down the conduit and let it thaw out the ice. Hope this helps! Good luck!!

Can i avoid being stationed in korea?

im in the army,and am about to get stationed in korea.i had heard that they can change your orders if you are in school.any truth in this?i just want to spend the next year with my family since i had just been away from them for the first time for about half a year,and two weeks later,half to spend a year away from them?no bueno,if you ask,ideas?or should we just get used to the idea that im gonna be eating kim chi for the next 12 months?

I'll be visting London In early October,so what type of clothing i have to wear, i gt a fleece. anything else?

Bring gloves and a knit cap. Bring comfortable sneakers, something in a waterproof variety and make sure they are broken in. Also for a jacket bring something warm that is also waterproof and make sure it has inside zippered pockets to keep your valuables. I would suggest wearing layers as the weather changes throughout the day. Mid-afternoon could bring either cold and wet, warm and dry, wet and warm, etc. Enjoy the trip!

Can I be the Female Messiah, Daughter of Zion?

According to prophecies, in the Tanakh, or Old Testament, the Daughter of Zion is mentioned 180 times. She is quoted in Micah 4, Isaiah 29, and many more, most people mis-interpret scripture to mean, that You can't be Messiah if your female, also the male Messiah, is quoted the same amount of times. Also in Genesis it states the Adam, and Eve were created equally, in one creation theory, the other out of his side, still making women equal. In the New Testament, the John the Baptist, was reported to be Elias, or Elijah proving reincarnation. She is known also as the Daughter of Judah, since, she is of the tribe of Judah, what I'd like to know... Is am I the Female Messiah? I have studied what theologians have to say, most confirm the same thing. One of the ones I have studied in depth was Neron Kesar, unfortunately, other people do not believe me, I hear voices, have dreams, and see visions, I can see auras, vibes, and feel energies, have the gift of foresight, I have an extremely high IQ, I have a very high social IQ, have a very high emotional IQ, as well as; I know a great deal about the Abrahamic, Vedic, Toac, Earthbased, and even Occultic Religions, I have read the Tanakh, New Testament, Quaran, Dhammapada, Rig Vedas, Vedas, Baggatividas, Tao Te Ching, read numerous books by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepach Chopra. I have read numerous articles by theologians such as Neron Kesar.... II am into comparitive government, and have studied, different types of governance, such as the UN, WTO, and the forms of government such as democracy, parliament, monarchy, republic, dictatorship, their structures and their history, and I have my own form of government it's called Numocratica, so am I???

Plato's allegory of the cave?

You have the chance to write a real paper about how Philosophy has effected your college experience! you won't get that chance very often. I'd write the paper about the second question- no matter what year you are in college you can apply that theory to the cles, the people, moving away from home, picking a major... it effects every aspect of life, and you get to experiment with applying philosophy to YOU... that is an amazing ignment, I hope you get something worth while from that ignment.

Is Terminator Salvation a good game?

It was surprisingly good, however I was able to beat the game on moderate difficulty in just a few days. Great cover system, great music, good graphics (albeit with some bugs at times). I do not think it is worth $50-$60, but if you can find a good deal on a used copy, go for it.

Does anyone have a sewing pattern for a camping swag?

I want to make a swag for my 2yo granddaughter, there are no small, girly swags on the market so I need a pattern to get started..can anyone help please?

I have AP European history right now, what do i need to do to get a 5 in May?

The best thing to really do is all the work igned in your cl... Amazon has many good books you could use to study, check out Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Books-a-Million as well. Another thing you could do is complete past years exams just to get a feeling fo what the test will be like.

Have you taken Menozac for menopause? ?

What was your experience with taking the natural herbal product called Menozac for your menopause symptoms? Would you recommend it to your friends and family?

What do you think of it??

I'm not even going to get into it but you need A LOT of work with spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and general story line. This was a real snooze, no offense.

Is this strange?

I am certain that you can. No woman can meet my fantasy, but it is rather hard to find a mermaid nowadays

What is a cheap, but good homemade self-defence weapon?

Living in New York is scary. People get mugged every day. I already have a pocket knife, but it is really dull, and that's all I could afford. My parents don't have enough money for a gun, and I need to protect them. I am 17 years old. I am using my friends internet. My question is, what is a good homemade self-defence weapon? Don't say bow and arrow, because that would be weird to see someone walkin' around NY with a bow. If you have a video please send it.

What is the cheapest laptop which is good enough for photoshop and auto-CAD application?

There is no such thing as cheap. What do you consider "cheap" ? You will get what you pay for. If you want to guided into the right direction, without paying for commissions or middlemen, go to and chat with someone there at no charge.

Does the whole issue of Barack Obama being a member of Jeremiah Wright's church affect your vote?

Until today I was a staunch Obama supporter. Then I was again reminded of his ties to Jeremiah Wright. For those of you who don't know who he is, search for him on youtube, he is a racist bigot who says "God damn America" in a church and calls the country U.S. of KKKA! I'm having a difficult time coming to terms with this. Will this affect your vote? Why or why not?

When La Nina dissipates and the temps continue to rise, what will the denial community come up with next?

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What is the best low budget way of locking the rear end of a 1989 isuzu trooper?

i want both wheels to spin even when one is stuffed or anthing else and also is there a good way of having the front locked to where i can turn it off so i dont break an axle on pavement?

Is this a good gaming laptop?

I don't know about that one but I would look into the Alienware pc/laptop series. They're exellent for gaming. It is expensive though.

Do you live in a wacky named town ?

I recently drove through Pickles Gap, AR and there is a very small town close by it called Toad Suck, AR.

Homework help, please.....?!!?!!?

the correct pronoun would be HE, because if you take out Marya, would you say him fell in love, or he fell in love? that is how I always figure it out. hope it helps!

How should i get out of my depression...i need a doctor for my depress?

i am felling very alone in this world and know one is there for me, i feel like to die or suicide because recently i got married just 3months before and just 2weeks we where very happy after that he was so unhappy with me.i ask him what is his problem with me he answer me that his mind is not interested to be close with me because he has some financial problems and he can't come out i have given more time to spend with me and try to make him happy but he is very i am at my parents house i need some freshness for my mind if not i will be like a mental patient,so i am here because if i stay with my hubby i am feeling very alone in his house not even his parents staying with us..another problem is i am a telugu girl and he is malayalee and we just talk in english..that too he can't speak and explain..i will try to explain him clear of all the things but he says my attitude is not i feel that i can't explain..i can't express my feelings with him because he cant understand..i don't want to break my marriage and i can't get marry with anyone because i like him a lot more than me..i feel better to die..plzz give me a better answer for my future..thanks

LGBT i want to come out but cant?

im 17 and ive known im gay for about 2 years now but im in a really difficult position, i dont want to come out because it would meen admitting it and im hugely ashamed of what i am, dont get me wrong im in no way homephobic but i hate my self for who i am, i meen ofcs im scared of the fact my friends and family would leave but im more scared of admitting it to my self, at least when i dont tell anyone its only me that has to suffer with the srong front, i hate lying to my friends and i really want to tell them but the thought scares me so much and i just dont know what to do, its been getting me steadily more depressed for the last two years and sometimes i just wish it would end but know i wont, im just scared and dont know what to do