Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You think this girls likes me?

Well theirs this girl from Communications cl I started talking to her then, but not in a lovey dovey way because I thought I was going for an internship in Orlando during the summer so I thought it wouldn't make sense to start a relationship and then leave for six months. Since then I got rejected from that internship (sucks), so I started texting her, skyping, and facebooking her. I only skyped her once cause she asked me to and we talked, but the conversation ended up short cause my laptoped crapped out on me so she said we'll talk later. She invited me to a movie up in the city park, but her car broke down so we couldn't do that. So I started texting her about once a week but lately she hasnt responded to any of my messages so does she like me? and advice is appreciated to. Also there is no way for me to meet her physically cause we live far apart and I have no vehicle we only see each other during the school year on the college campus.

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