Monday, August 8, 2011

Can I be the Female Messiah, Daughter of Zion?

According to prophecies, in the Tanakh, or Old Testament, the Daughter of Zion is mentioned 180 times. She is quoted in Micah 4, Isaiah 29, and many more, most people mis-interpret scripture to mean, that You can't be Messiah if your female, also the male Messiah, is quoted the same amount of times. Also in Genesis it states the Adam, and Eve were created equally, in one creation theory, the other out of his side, still making women equal. In the New Testament, the John the Baptist, was reported to be Elias, or Elijah proving reincarnation. She is known also as the Daughter of Judah, since, she is of the tribe of Judah, what I'd like to know... Is am I the Female Messiah? I have studied what theologians have to say, most confirm the same thing. One of the ones I have studied in depth was Neron Kesar, unfortunately, other people do not believe me, I hear voices, have dreams, and see visions, I can see auras, vibes, and feel energies, have the gift of foresight, I have an extremely high IQ, I have a very high social IQ, have a very high emotional IQ, as well as; I know a great deal about the Abrahamic, Vedic, Toac, Earthbased, and even Occultic Religions, I have read the Tanakh, New Testament, Quaran, Dhammapada, Rig Vedas, Vedas, Baggatividas, Tao Te Ching, read numerous books by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepach Chopra. I have read numerous articles by theologians such as Neron Kesar.... II am into comparitive government, and have studied, different types of governance, such as the UN, WTO, and the forms of government such as democracy, parliament, monarchy, republic, dictatorship, their structures and their history, and I have my own form of government it's called Numocratica, so am I???

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