Friday, August 12, 2011

Bad shape -> bad life?

theres someone out there for you, i promise. try to eat at least one piece of fruit and one vegetable every meal, and if you need a snack eat some fruit or vegetables. eat only whole grains and try to make your serving sizes smaller. to start out you way want to go on walks or jogs, if you have access to a gym then go there and lift weights as well. just do something that raises your heart rate for at least 30 min a day and makes you sweat. your gonna be fine man, your 21 and your whole life is ahead of you. go through your day looking at all the good things instead of all the bad. everyones lives have ups and downs. if we didnt have down points in our lives then we couldnt have up points. just try to enjoy life, its short and you only get one chance at it. make your time on earth amazing and out of the ordinary.

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