Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Qu for the soldiers...?

I have been serving for 18 years now and am currently deployed to Iraq and the chance of me being in this situation is very real. if there are war protestors at my furneral I would hope they would remain far enough away not to antagonize my family and give them the respect and peace the need. if they are respectful to my family then I say let them protest. I GAVE them that right and if that is what they want to do let 'em. Just because they are slack jawed cowards who do NOTHING to help ensure their own rights and freedoms and who EXPECT those rights, and do nothing but whine and complain backs up my beief that if it weren't for me and my Brothers and Sisters serving now they would not have those rights and could not go to sleep at night knowing they are safe. Kowing that they can go to the store and not be blown up or kidnapped tortured and beheaded. let them protest, let them do what they want. When it comes down to it, I have a clear conscience and KNOW in my HEART the I, ME, did something for EVERYONE in my country. I serve to ensure our rights and that NO ONE will take them away. if they are too cowardly to serve our nation and our people, then let them whine an ride along on our freedom, I'll gladly pay their share of the cost of freedom to make sure my daughters and their children live an a safe and free society because of my sacrifices.

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